maio 19, 2008

International Diploma

Dear Colleagues.

We have the possibility of getting some fellowships for Brazilians interested in enrolling for the New International Diploma in Mental Health Law and Human Rights. Please disseminate this information to those people in Brazil you think would be interested, whose English is advanced and who would benefit Brazil from having undertaken the course. Can you encourage them to apply asap so we can pass the information on to the donor

People can apply for the course at the following website address:

Best wishes, Michelle Funk

More information below

The International Diploma, which has been developed by WHO MIND in collaboration with the ILS Law College, will be launched in October this year in Pune, India.

Based on WHO materials and tools, the Diploma provides students with the opportunity to develop essential knowledge and expertise in the area of mental health, human rights and law.

By the end of the course students will have acquired the skills necessary for supporting countries to put in place human rights oriented mental health laws and policies, and the confidence to effectively advocate for improved conditions for people with mental disabilities.
The course, which comprises both residential sessions and distance learning, will be taught and supervised by a faculty comprising renowned experts in the area of mental health, human rights and legislation from around the globe with a tradition of excellence in teaching in their respective fields.

Please visit the Diploma's website for further information about the course:

Dr Michelle Funk


Mental Health Policy and Service Development (MHP)

Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse

World Health Organization

20 Avenue Appia

CH-1211 Genève 27


Tel: +41-22 791 3855
Fax: +41-22 791 4160


Visit the WHO MIND website:

Fonte: LF Tófoli

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